Tuesday, July 11, 2006

On Running

In grammar school, I attended a local summer camp. My friend and I were teased by older guys for holding hands and people would think up "daring" things to yell while doing cannonballs off the diving board. The memory that sticks with me most though was witnessing a relay race around the outdoor track. A girl was running around the corner when she somehow tripped and fell. She was down on the ground for a while and an ambulance took her away. I was told she was going to be paralyzed for life. I've never really been a runner.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Breaking a Sweat

I got dressed in running attire yesterday, but realized I was hungry and had not eaten anything but salad greens all day. I cooked some Bertoli pasta in a bag for two and ate it in two consecutive sittings. I decided I couldn't run with all of that food, so I set my alarm for 40 minutes later and sat down to read the news online. I turned my fan on, and woke up 3 hours later with my running shoes on and sweat on my brow. I hit the showers.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Well, What Are You Waiting For?

A few years ago I went to the Met to see a Thomas Eakins exhibition. He is known for his studies of athletes and his use of shadows and reflection. The latter was accomplished through meticulous perspective drawing. I loved the above painting. Growing up in Boston, I romanticized the idea of skulling on the Charles in a solo shell. (Ok, it was probably because of the opening scene of The River Wild with Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon, but still....) The rower to me feels like the world whispering outside my door right now. "It's a beautiful day. Are you coming? What are you waiting for?"

Friday, July 07, 2006

Sock It To Me

Thanks for the compliment. I guess they are quite artisanal at times.

Funk is Back?

Nike+Ipod+Nerb's Feet...hmm. Nike+Ipod. So tempting.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Running...up my tab

I had THREE sicilian slices from Bleecker Street Pizza on 7th Avenue South (my favorite NY pizza slice) and a SMALL two scoop ice cream from La Salle. At La Salle, they sometimes wear gloves when they scoop. I have yet to see a knuckle line in the ice cream bin, but I did see a man miss the cone once and the ice cream kind of rolled off his fingers. Yummy.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Zrai and Nerb's Running Blog!?

Awoo. Awoo.